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Transformational Leadership Inventory (TLI)

This questionnaire for measuring transformational and transactional leadership was developed by Phil Podsakoff's research group and represents an interesting alternative to the frequently used MLQ.

In cooperation with the Chair of Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the University of Berlin (Dipl.-Psych. Kathrin Tartler), a translation of the TLI was prepared and used in various samples.

The TLI has good psychometric properties. The instrument and results on validity and reliability ( (Heinitz, K., & Rowold, J. (2007). Quality criteria of a German adaptation of the Transformational Leadership Inventory (TLI). Journal of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 17(1), 1-14; ) and norms (Krüger, C., Rowold, J., Borgmann, L., Staufenbiel, K., Heinitz, K. (in press). Discriminant validity of transformational and transactional leadership - A multi-trait-multi-method analysis of and norms for the Transformational Leadership Inventory (TLI). Journal of Personnel Psychology. ) are described in the literature.

Conger & Kanungo scales for charismatic leadership (CKS)

This questionnaire for measuring charismatic leadership was developed by the research group around Conger and Kanungo and measures a total of five facets of charismatic leadership (Sensitivity to the environment, Sensitivity to members' needs, Strategic vision and articulation, Personal risk, and Unconventional behavior).

The questionnaire was translated into German and used in several samples (including business leaders, non-profit leaders, and politicians). The CKS questionnaire has been extensively scientifically validated.

Overall, the CKS has good psychometric properties (cf. Rowold, J., Kersting, M. (2008). The assessment of charismatic leadership: Validity of a German version of the Conger-Kanungo Scales. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 24 (2), 124-130.