Value Screening
- Values define meaning and significance within a social system.
- Employees in a business orientate themselves with their personal values (e.g. self-actualization, leisure time) and are thus sometimes in conflict with the values of the business or of managers (e.g. performance, commitment).
- The detection of values within the social system of a “business” and the development of commonly supported values thus represents a cornerstone of organizational development.
- Advantages of lived-out business values:
- high levels of commitment to the company
- high levels of identification with the company
- high levels of job performance and dedication to work
- low employee turnover rates
- high levels of employee satisfaction
- increased levels of dedication to the company
- Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
What We Offer
- Implementation of value screening in your company with a scientifically validated questionnaire.
- Gap-Fit analysis regarding the company’s prevailing culture of values.
- Definition/Adaptation of company values (bottom-up).
- Derivation of an appropriate course of action for management.